Domain Name Basics

Our domain name can be our first impression, our face to the outside world, and our new marketing plan  A domain name is an identification or address for the Internet. It helps persons to find our web site. Just as residences and offices have street addresses, all web sites have domain names, for example the Yahoo, its domain name is yahoo.com. All domain names are made up of two parts,
typically preceded by WWW. Let's use Yahoo.com as example.
First part is yahoo, is a unique name that represents the web site.  The second part ".com" is the extension and stands for 'commercial'. There are so many extensions available, ie., .com, .net, .biz, .info, and .us are the most popular
extensions in the United States.

A good domain name helps you in consisting of many ways. The good domain name you add to your business card, email signature, and other advertisements. It will build credibility that it will show your customers that you have an established business. It will improve your marketing and provide customers an easy way to remember and contact you. It will protect your brand and secure the domain name that best represents your business name and keep it out of the hands of your competitors. It also describes your site as best you can with your domain name. For example,  a pair of amateur magicians might use their stage names, some combination of  words including magic, or the name of their most famous trick.


1) Our domain name should reflect our business name or the topic, then our site will cover the purpose of business.

2) The domain name should be a unique and brief but conprehensive in expression name that is easy to say, remember, and spell.

3)We can use only letters, numbers, and hyphens in our domain name. Spaces or other symbols are not allowed.

4) If our first choice isn't available, try rearranging the word order, adding hyphens, or using abbreviations or locations to come up with a equal alternative.

Once we have a domain name. we need a web site. Luckily we came to the right place. It's easy to add Yahoo, and the services that help you build a full web site or open an online store.